Welcome to SASEM Vitals; the official publication and voice of the Saudi Society of Emergency Medicine (SASEM). We deliver cutting edge news, practice changing tips, regulatory updates, academic/institutional announcements, upcoming meetings and conferences, and much more. Our goal is to advance education, clinical practice of emergency medicine, and to serve as the voice of the emergency medicine community.


Write for SASEM Vitals!

Publishing your article in SASEM Vitals will make you more visible in front of the emergency medicine community, establishes you as an expert in your area of interest, allows you to express thoughts/opinions and dive deep into a subject you really care about. Additionally, it enables you to exchange ideas with colleagues across the country. This is the most credible way to showcase your expertise and is a solid addition to your professional CV. Your content is broadly and easily shared to the growing members of the emergency medicine community. Visit the Author Guidelines page to see the many ways you can contribute content to the society. Email your submission to: newsletter@sasem.org.sa


Let us share your news

Have you or your colleague at your institution/program been recently recognized? (e.g. promotions, new position appointment, retirement, received grant funding, won an award, etc). Do not keep the news all to yourself. We would like to help you spread the word. Submit your announcement in 50-75 words including the name of the accomplishment, name of the individual, and institutional affiliation with a headshot photograph to the following email address: newsletter@sasem.org.sa